1. Articles submitted for publication should conform to the main scientific directions of the journal, contain previously unpublished results of original researches, developments which are prepared for practical application, as well as the materials of cognitive interest.
2. Due to the journal including in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) the author of publication gives non-exclusive rights for the article publication to the editorship of “The Bulletin of Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy”.
3. Manuscripts are to be presented to the editorial office directly or submitted by mail (e-mail).The article should include the following structural parts: relevance, the aim and tasks, materials and methods, research results (illustrative materials are desirable: tables, drawings), conclusions.
4. The text is to be typed in font Times New Roman, the font size is 14 (for the main part), 12 – for the additional text (tables, literature references etc.). Line spacing is one-and-a-half; justified alignment; automatic hyphenation. The paper size is A4 (210x297). The margins are: above, below and left – 2 cm, right – 2.5 cm. The indenting is to be the same in the whole text (1.27 or 1.5 cm). Page numbers are put in the centre below.
5. Tables are to be executed in Microsoft Word. The font of table heading is 11 (bold), table texts – 12; line spacing for tables is single. The width of the table is to be the same as the main text lines, horizontal tables should be placed in a separate file.
6. It is necessary to provide for 1.5-fold reduction in the drawings. In addition, the drawings are presented in separate files in one of the following formats: *.jpeg, *.eps, *.tiff.
7. All mathematical formulae should be accurately adjusted. The electronic version should be provided in format Microsoft Equation 3.1.
8. The manuscript volume should not be less than 14 standard pages of the text including tables and drawings.
9. Information about the author should contain: the surname, first name and patronymic; science degree, academic rank, position, full name of organization – place of work of every author, city and country (in Russian and English); ORCID, e-mail of every author, correspondent postal address and contact telephone number (may be one for all authors).
10. The title of the article is given in Russian and English.
11. The abstract of the article is given in Russian and English and it should reflect the structure of the article: relevance, the aim and tasks, materials and methods, research results, conclusions. The abstract should contain minimum 200 words.
12. Key words or word combinations are separated with commas. Key words are printed in Russian and English.
13. The reference list of the article is to be made according to the state standard GOST 7.0.5-2008. References to the resources are made in the text of the article in the form of a corresponding order number in the list enclosed in square brackets. The reference list should include articles from periodicals for the last 10 years (their share should be at least 80 %): peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, collection of scientific papers etc., unpublished papers should not be put on the reference list. The reference sources (at least 7) are listed in alphabetical order. First the papers of authors are given in Russian, then in other languages. All the papers of one author should be indexed in ascending order of the years of publishing. The number of references to the authors' papers should not exceed 20 %.
The authors are responsible for the correctness of data given in the literature reference list of the article, as well as for the accuracy of citations, facts, statistical information provided in the manuscript. The reference list of the article is given in Russian.
14. Papers which do not conform to the requirements mentioned above shall not be taken for consideration, reviewing and publishing.
15. The review of all scientific articles is provided by the editorial board. The review is carried out by members of the editorial board or reviewers invited by the editorial board.
Information for authors
- Подробности
- Родительская категория: Наука
- Категория: Научно-практический журнал «Вестник Ижевской ГСХА»
- Просмотров: 2090